Learning to "Map" your Money to Support your Future

After taking a personal finance class when Nathan and I were married, we started following the principles we learned. While the principles helped us, they didn’t teach us how to use military resources. There were yellow ribbon ceremonies, military advisors, and online resources, but I felt like they didn’t close the gap between what I had learned and experienced. We started reading books, listening to podcasts, taking finance courses in school, and in total, have spent at least 1000 hours learning about finance. This has helped us to bridge the gap between civilian and military finance. This is Why I created Military Money Maps

What You Get

  • Video Content

    Video lessons with downloadable content, knowledge checks, Q and A sessions, and resources.

  • Military Focused Finance

    Finance information from all areas of finance that is both relevant and helpful for Military families and individuals.

  • Fully Online

    No need to travel to class and can access the content anywhere you can access the internet.

  • Actionable Content

    Finish each lesson with action items to complete that build your foundation to further your financial goals.

  • Digital Tools

    Access to tools and templates to help complete your action items.

  • Individual Coaching

    The option to meet with Olivia MacDonald 1:1 to review and improve your personal finances.

How finance during Initial Entry Training should be taught!

Simple. Specific. Goal Oriented. Shame Free.


Olivia MacDonald

Course Creator & Finance Coach

Olivia is a Military Wife and Mom. She completed her Bachelor's at Brigham Young University Idaho in Marriage and Family Relationships with a professional emphasis. While attending BYU-I she completed an internship where she was trained as a life coach. As part of her degree, she developed research and courses that all revolved around families and personal finance. Through her research and teaching, she saw the need for personal finance coaching for families. Olivia is now completing her Master's in Financial Planning and Analytics at Utah Valley University. She plans to use this degree to help provide support and resources to families, specifically the families and individuals in the military community.